Potters & Sculptors - Making Rock from Mud
Hi everyone. I put some Questions about how to use parts of Insight-Live on the comment wall, so I will not add them here. I thought it might be nice to have a spot where we could just write out our questions when they arise. That way George and Tony will have a heads up on what some of us are wanting to know. That would help them to plan the next web-cast. If someone else knows the answer, they could post it and that would take some of the burden off of George and Tony. I am sure the same questions are repeated often. Solutions that are known by others, could be shared with newcomers. I hope this is all right.
I have cleaned up the data base I added so that the Code number is now C6G rather than ^6 Glaze. I will be going through the glazes to check for notes that may be needed. The upload claimed that I had 5 duplications but I have not a clue how to find these and I can see no way to sort the glazes in any fashion. If anyone knows about either of these issues, please let me know (and the 2000 is now down to less than 200 so that disaster is taken care of as well).
Thanks again for your contributions to the database and your subsequent work!
For normal searching, type in a search word in the search text box. The default order is to present matching glazes with the most recently modified first.
Click on the advanced search link, and you will see options for sorting and for filtering your searches using a number of different parameters.
Yes, you can add any number of URLs to a recipe, so pointing it at another webpage is not a problem.
1. Desktop Insight installs on a desktop PC or laptop and is about understanding the chemistry of glazes to fix, formulate or adjust them. It has an SQL database, but it is single user for PCs (windows, mac, linux). Insight-Live.com is about data, alot of data (although it does show the chemistry). It can handle alot more details about recipes, it is multi-user, you can user it from any internet connected device with a browser. We are building ways for them to exchange data (right now Insight-Live can import recipe databases and you can copy and paste XML representations of recipes in either direction).
2. Finding similar glazes is coming to Insight-Live (as well as finding similar materials). Since it is an industrial strength SQL system and the data structures are very hierarchical, the data analysis potential is fantastic (my head is spinning with what we are going to be able to do with this!). There will be alot of data to search, so the possibilities will be staggering.
5X20 is G1214M and it is in reference batch -2. But it seems to be calculating correctly for me.
I thought the log file generated during the import shows the duplicates. You did not see them there?
Yes! Thank you Tony, it had not occured to me to look at the log. Now I just have to remember how to do the other odds and ends.
Low cost flat lapping disc can be used on you potters wheel if you, drill bat pin holes in it, and provide a trickle of water to cool it. At amazon.com, 120 grit for aggressive material removal. Click the image to purchase
Members have had great things to say about John Britt's new book, Mid-Range Glazes. Click the image to buy from Amazon.com
Purchase Glazes Cone 6 by Michael Bailey, The Potters Book of Glaze Recipes by Emmanuel Cooper, or Making Marks by Robin Hopper, all available at amazon.com. Mastering Cone 6 Glazes by John Hesselberth & Ron Roy is now out of print.
Harbor Freight is a great place to find unbeatable prices for better HVLP spray guns with stainless steel parts and serviceable economy models, as well as detail guns, all tested by our members for spraying glazes, as well as compressors to power the guns. As yet no one has tested and commented on the remarkably inexpensive air brushes at harbor freight.
The critter siphon gun is a spray alternative that is well liked by some of our members, and is available at amazon.
Amazon is also a competitive source for photo light tents for shooting professional quality pictures of your work. They also have the EZ Cube brand favored by several of our members. You might also want to purchase the book Photographing Arts, Crafts and Collectibles . . .
If you are up to creating videos of your work or techniques you might want to invest in a flip video camera
Following are a few scales useful for potters. Ohaus Triple Pro Mechanical Triple Beam Balance, 2610g x 0.1g, with Tare $169.00
And finally a low cost clone of the OHaus. The Adam Equipment TBB2610T Triple Beam Mechanical Balance With Tare Beam $99.62
ebay is a great alternative for many tools and the equipment used in the ceramics studio - kilns, wheels, extruders, slab rollers are often listed there both new and used.
If you just want to spout off, it is best accomplished as a blog posting. If you want to get more guidance and ideas from other members, ask a question as a new discussion topic. In the upper right corner of the lists for both types of posting, you will find an "+Add " button. Clicking it will open an editor where you create your posting. 4/16/2014
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