Recipes from John Britt's book Mastering mid-range glazes in .xml format.

I have John Britt's book Mastering mid-range glazes and love it. 
  I would like to look at some of those glazes in Insight but I really am NOT excited about hand entering them.   Does anyone know of a source of his glazes in  .XML format so that can be easily uploaded into Insight?

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It might be an interesting project for people to jointly start adding the recipes to a spreadsheet that could be put together by cut and paste.  People can volunteer to do a section.  My entire house is packed away but in a couple of weeks I can take a unit.  You can also do it in comma format that can be then read into a spreadsheet.  You just put a comma between each column.

That is a great idea. I will start with the Artificial Copper Reds... p 103 and do the rest of the red section.

Also I mixed the title to his first book with his new cone 6 book. The correct title is The Complete Guide to Mid-range Glazes.

I hope there will be some other volunteers :)

Went through my books and it was close enough to the surface that I was able to find the book.  Given John Britt's philosophy on sharing glazes I am going to assume this is ok but we should check.  I would start with clear.

I checked with Britt to see if he had the recipes in .xml. He did not but thought it would be nice to have that format. I will get back to him to make sure.

I also emailed Tony Hansen to see if he had them. I have not heard back from him, but I would imagine that atleast some of them are already in his glaze database.

If I remember correctly, excel will export to both .xml and csv, both of which I think Insight will import. 

Larry - I guess the cover of John Britt's book advertises more than 400 glazes for the $18.75 sales price. 

We currently have 750 Mid-Fire Glaze recipes in our Insight-Live Glaze Database. At this point it getting to the place where most "new glaze recipes" I come across look like slight variations of recipes I've seen previously over the past five years.  I'm getting better at guessing a glaze chemistry just by looking at it - which was never a skill I had hoped to acquire.

On Amazon they only offer the book in Hardcover, so I can't imagine where I'd get a XML copy, unless John Britt offered the recipes for us in that format for Insight-Live.  You could always ask him.

The Complete Guide to Mid-Range Glazes: Glazing and Firing at Cones...,204,203,200_.jpg

John's book is a lot more than recipes. The advantage of John's recipes is that he has filtered the list down to some pretty good ones. I don't want to do that myself,

I am talking to both John and Tony Hansen to promote this project.

Yes, you are the wizard. When are you going to write your book.... seriously.  Or, you could enter your knowledge into an expert system shell.  I think I have a Java expert system shell I could contribute to c6p if you were willing to fill it up.

You have saved my ass a couple of times. 

I have not been around for a while. Life has been good, but in turbo.

Here is the Clear.  The upload is limited to 5 MB so it may be the case that for a xls file it must be done in parts and then pasted together.  The easiest way to do it IMO is upload CSV files and open them with a spreadsheet app then save as a spreadsheet.  If you are unfamiliar with CSV files let me know.


I will move on to Celadon Blue

I want to add that it is really important to use John's book and not treat these recipes as a replacement for the book.  They are not even close to being that.  This is to enable quick and easy access to a given recipe when needed.

What I got is through 

V.C. Transparent ^6 Glaze III

If that is not where the file should have ended you just attach them to an email to me  I will forward them to Hanson.

I think Hanson may enter them for us.


Lawrence Weathers said:

What I got is through 

V.C. Transparent ^6 Glaze III

If that is not where the file should have ended you just attach them to an email to me  I will forward them to Hanson.

I think Hanson may enter them for us.


did you get my private message to you earlier this morning?

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