What is your experience with ceramics in general. (Long answer encouraged)
I have been teaching at the high school level for 9 years, and focus mainly on handbulding.
What is your current involvement with electric fired ceramics? (long answer encouraged)
I started the ceramics program at Career Prep High School, an alternative High school, in 2017. We are located on the Navajo Indian Reservation in Shiprock, NM. I am in the process of replacing relays in the school's electric kiln to bring it back into working order. First semester classes are in hand building, and second semester classes are advanced hand building and wheel work.
All our content is viewable by the public. Why do you want to be a member, when you can already see everything as a non-member?
I will be looking for insights into kiln building as well as cone 04 firing of the student's work!
Where do you work on your ceramics projects?
School or college
Do you have your own, or participate in other ceramics Websites:
A hearty welcome, Robert! I really appreciate the way you joined this network by making a significant contributions to it. In particular, it's great the way you took the time to personalize your page, and gave feedback on others' work and interests.
Hi Robert and thanks for your note. Yes, the licorice is a clear winner for me. I love it with pretty much all of my glazes. Having my own studio has made a HUGE difference for me and hopefully you'll get there soon. I fire according to the schedule specified in MC6 (cone pack, cone 6 tip touching, cone 7 starting, slow cool down).
thanks for the complement on my aqua/teal. it's 2 glazes from mc6 overlapped- sad thing is, i opened a new bag of rutile and now the color has changed- i will be spending the near future testing to try and get it back. sadly, it's been my bestseller this year :(
Robert, Thanks for the information regarding the beautiful dark clay. I'll check it out. I have some dark walnut clay from Campbells supply that I am getting ready to use. I'll let you know how it works out.
Thanks Robert, I just found this website and I really should be finishing laundry to head out on vacation on lake norris, TN....but I just can't pull myself away from it right now. Love your work and am hoping to find some great recipes and information. Can't wait to get back in my studio...have been working on 2 rental projects every weekend since 2-5-10. One fire that required a complete gutting and another that just needs alot of work. I NEED MY CLAY THERAPY. gREAT WORK, June
Hi Robert,
Yes, I cheat. Most everything I throw is in 2 parts. Have done up to 4 parts on 3' vases. I like doing it that way instead of torching or blow-drying to get the clay firmed up. With as little time as I have to throw, I can throw one part & then go off & do something else, then come back & throw the 2nd part & then put them together. If I used bats it would probably be easier, but bats & I have never gotten along. How hard is it to get supplies where you are? Everything has to be flown in or come by boat, right? I'll bet the wait is frustrating sometimes. I know how I get frustrated when I go to get something from our local supplier only to find that they don't carry it & then I have to mail order it. Keep it coming. Later, Jeff
Hi Robert - got your message and thanks for your welcome - I'm still figuring out how to best use this site and it's feature, but I think it is an excellent idea and a great way to share ideas and info.
Hi Robert - Yes, several items, and have just ordered the book "Mastering Cone 6 Glazes" based on the feedback here. I am tweaking the firings on my new-to-me Skutt 1027 and think I have it down (a little extra soak at the end was needed.) And yes, I teach now and then, at a local studio where I am a member and part time worker, and off site, community center workshops and classes at retirement homes, also for the studio. I am learning mid-range oxi firing, which has changed sooo much since I first started throwing!
I hope to have something interesting to post soon. I have recently produced some ^5 stoneware garden lanterns and am waiting for a great glaze to try on those....
George Lewter
May 1, 2009
Miri Hardy
Dec 9, 2009
Tracy Shea
Dec 9, 2009
Robert Seele
Dec 9, 2009
rita thompson
Dec 13, 2009
June Kinsinger
Jun 2, 2010
Jeff Poulter
Yes, I cheat. Most everything I throw is in 2 parts. Have done up to 4 parts on 3' vases. I like doing it that way instead of torching or blow-drying to get the clay firmed up. With as little time as I have to throw, I can throw one part & then go off & do something else, then come back & throw the 2nd part & then put them together. If I used bats it would probably be easier, but bats & I have never gotten along. How hard is it to get supplies where you are? Everything has to be flown in or come by boat, right? I'll bet the wait is frustrating sometimes. I know how I get frustrated when I go to get something from our local supplier only to find that they don't carry it & then I have to mail order it. Keep it coming. Later, Jeff
Nov 4, 2010
susan claysmith
Dec 7, 2010
Hi Robert, thanks for your welcome! I am really enjoying this site and look forward to more exploring ;)
Dec 13, 2010
Casey Cheuvront
Hi Robert - Yes, several items, and have just ordered the book "Mastering Cone 6 Glazes" based on the feedback here. I am tweaking the firings on my new-to-me Skutt 1027 and think I have it down (a little extra soak at the end was needed.) And yes, I teach now and then, at a local studio where I am a member and part time worker, and off site, community center workshops and classes at retirement homes, also for the studio. I am learning mid-range oxi firing, which has changed sooo much since I first started throwing!
I hope to have something interesting to post soon. I have recently produced some ^5 stoneware garden lanterns and am waiting for a great glaze to try on those....
ps Guam! My goodness!
Apr 13, 2011