susan claysmith


Smithers, British Columbia


Profile Information:

What is your experience with ceramics in general. (Long answer encouraged)
Interested in learning, amateur, professional, master
What is your current involvement with electric fired ceramics? (long answer encouraged)
I began working at cone 6 in August 2010. I have been working in low fire slipware and majolica over the last number of years and now switch back and forth between cone 6 porcelain and cone 04 red earthenware.
I first started working in clay when I was 13 years old and went on to study at Sheridan College School of Design in Ontario, where I graduated as ceramics major way back in 1976. I have worked intermittently in clay over the years. I currently have an awesome studio space and and fire with a 7 cu ft German-built 2 phase front loading Nabertherm electric kiln which I bought used three years ago. I sell my primarily through the Eddyline Bistro Cafe, a restaurant that I opened in 2011.
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Where do you work on your ceramics projects?
home studio
How did you find this network?
search engine

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  • Thomas

    Hello, Suzan

      I am using Wood Ash,unwashed just put it through a seive to get the chunks out. Apple Ash would be a good test to start with, I use ash from my Wood Burner,(mixed ash) the cool thing about ash, the different trees will have different outcome. I have been testing a Smoke Tree Ash, I am having some different things happen.   There is a Potter from  Shigaraki, Japan his name is Shiho Kanzaki his pottery is natual ash from his Anagama Kiln. If ash glazes are something your into, check his stuff out amazing work. Good luck testing..

  • Jeff Morse (Jarrett Pottery)

    Thank you Susan!!  I'm trying....I really like the green and black mugs of yours they are beautiful.

  • Ronald Morris

    Good day,

    I am Ronald Morris, I saw your profile and I decided to contact you immediately. Can you get back to me on my email ( for full details.