Robert Young
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Robert Young's Friends

  • Amanda Sullivan
  • Pam Stern
  • Teri McLaren Gimmel
  • Jan Wallace
  • sandy miller
  • Patricia Bridges
  • Kathy Ransom
  • Belinda Willis
  • Donna Hoyer
  • Thomas
  • Jeff Poulter
  • Randy McCall
  • Jim Convery
  • Robert Seele
  • Ceci

Welcome, Robert!

Profile Information

What is your experience with ceramics in general. (Long answer encouraged)
I have been teaching at the high school level for 9 years, and focus mainly on handbulding.
What is your current involvement with electric fired ceramics? (long answer encouraged)
I started the ceramics program at Career Prep High School, an alternative High school, in 2017. We are located on the Navajo Indian Reservation in Shiprock, NM. I am in the process of replacing relays in the school's electric kiln to bring it back into working order. First semester classes are in hand building, and second semester classes are advanced hand building and wheel work.
All our content is viewable by the public. Why do you want to be a member, when you can already see everything as a non-member?
I will be looking for insights into kiln building as well as cone 04 firing of the student's work!
Where do you work on your ceramics projects?
School or college
Do you have your own, or participate in other ceramics Websites:
How did you find this network?
search engine

Student Work

Compared to the items I see shown on this site, I am but a beginner in the presence of true artists, but I would appreciate any suggestions to improve my work. I have found I really love working in this medium, and can get lost in time at the wheel.

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Robert Young's Blog

Still adding to the chaos...

Posted on November 21, 2012 at 1:33am 0 Comments

I've been trying to put more work on the shelves in anticipation of the new kiln! (like the 4-500 pieces I have waiting now aren't enough!) I added some photos of a couple of pieces I finished this morning.

Almost time!

Posted on August 15, 2012 at 11:19pm 2 Comments

     Here it is only 3 days till school starts, and I have been in teacher mode all summer.  This year I agreed to teach their first ever ceramics class for summer school, so I tried to come up with something new for the shortened classes.  I had three weeks to take the students through pinch, coil, and slab, with a project in each method. The first group did a pinch bowl, a coil mug with a face on it, and a slab plate on a hump mold. The second group did a pinch bowl, a coil mug and saucer,…


Opening night

Posted on October 3, 2009 at 6:09am 3 Comments

Friday night was opening night for the first real show I have been in. I entered a stone carving, and seven ceramic pieces, including several you have not seen. There were about 30 local artists participating, covering the 3D spectrum of art. There are hand-carved storyboards, fancy shell jewelry and combs, ceramics, stone carving, wood paintings, and a number of other things. I noticed that the judges were paying special attention to, and writing a paragraph about, one of my pieces -… Continue

Attention Please...

Posted on September 10, 2009 at 9:55pm 2 Comments

Hello all of you,

Some of you I have talked with, some not, but I have a notice I would like to put out to all.

I just started my student teaching - to show I know how to teach - and have been assigned to a ceramics class for 11th and 12th grade students. Their one big paper for this quarter is to find a potter whose work they like and do a short (250 words) report on that artist and their work. Then they have to do a piece of ceramic work in the same, or similar, style. Then… Continue

Comment Wall (13 comments)

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At 2:37pm on October 23, 2024, Ronald Morris said…

Good day,
I am RonaId Morris, I saw your profile and I decided to contact you immediately. Can you get back to me on my email ( for full details.  

At 4:16pm on August 7, 2011, Catherine Rehbein said…

Thanks Robert! Experimenting with Chun reds and a variety of greens..still tweeking, you know how that goes. :)


At 3:02am on May 13, 2011, Jan Wallace said…
Hi Robert, thanks for your friend request. It is great for us all to be able to share ideas and results on this website. Thank you for your comments re my shell sprig. Yes, i really like using sprig moulds made from found objects. I will put some more pics on asap as only put on a few at this stage. I have some pieces that i am looking forward to glazing but want to do some testing first as fairly new to making my own glazes. I went to college for some years, but used their glazes and dabbled in some at home but some years ago. Mostly raku and some mid fire but at that time, mid fire was unheard of.  I have ordered and waiting on the Mastering Cone 6 glazes book, so looking forward to that. I have mixed up alot of glazes that are posted on this site and now waiting on my kiln to be fixed so that i can get to work. Hopefully it will be fixed this weekend.
At 8:55am on April 13, 2011, Casey Cheuvront said…

Hi Robert - Yes, several items, and have just ordered the book "Mastering Cone 6 Glazes" based on the feedback here. I am tweaking the firings on my new-to-me Skutt 1027 and think I have it down (a little extra soak at the end was needed.) And yes, I teach now and then, at a local studio where I am a member and part time worker, and off site, community center workshops and classes at retirement homes, also for the studio. I am learning mid-range oxi firing, which has changed sooo much since I first started throwing!

I hope to have something interesting to post soon. I have recently produced some ^5 stoneware garden lanterns and am waiting for a great glaze to try on those....

ps Guam! My goodness!


At 12:39am on December 13, 2010, Louise said…

Hi Robert, thanks for your welcome!  I am really enjoying this site and look forward to more exploring  ;)

At 2:00pm on December 7, 2010, susan claysmith said…
Hi Robert - got your message and thanks for your welcome - I'm still figuring out how to best use this site and it's feature, but I think it is an excellent idea and a great way to share ideas and info.
At 9:47am on November 4, 2010, Jeff Poulter said…
Hi Robert,
Yes, I cheat. Most everything I throw is in 2 parts. Have done up to 4 parts on 3' vases. I like doing it that way instead of torching or blow-drying to get the clay firmed up. With as little time as I have to throw, I can throw one part & then go off & do something else, then come back & throw the 2nd part & then put them together. If I used bats it would probably be easier, but bats & I have never gotten along. How hard is it to get supplies where you are? Everything has to be flown in or come by boat, right? I'll bet the wait is frustrating sometimes. I know how I get frustrated when I go to get something from our local supplier only to find that they don't carry it & then I have to mail order it. Keep it coming. Later, Jeff
At 5:10pm on June 2, 2010, June Kinsinger said…
Thanks Robert, I just found this website and I really should be finishing laundry to head out on vacation on lake norris, TN....but I just can't pull myself away from it right now. Love your work and am hoping to find some great recipes and information. Can't wait to get back in my studio...have been working on 2 rental projects every weekend since 2-5-10. One fire that required a complete gutting and another that just needs alot of work. I NEED MY CLAY THERAPY. gREAT WORK, June
At 5:49am on December 13, 2009, rita thompson said…
Robert, Thanks for the information regarding the beautiful dark clay. I'll check it out. I have some dark walnut clay from Campbells supply that I am getting ready to use. I'll let you know how it works out.
At 9:22pm on December 9, 2009, Robert Seele said…
Hi ! I am glad to meet new potters. Hope to learn more.


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Low cost flat lapping disc can be used on you potters wheel if you, drill bat pin holes in it, and provide a trickle of water to cool it. At, 120 grit for aggressive material removal. Click the image to purchase 

Members have had great things to say about John Britt's new book, Mid-Range Glazes. Click the image to buy from

Purchase Glazes Cone 6 by Michael Bailey, The Potters Book of Glaze Recipes by Emmanuel Cooper, or Making Marks by Robin Hopper, all available at amazon.comMastering Cone 6 Glazes by John Hesselberth & Ron Roy is now out of print.

Harbor Freight is a great place to find unbeatable prices for better HVLP spray guns with stainless steel parts and serviceable economy models, as well as detail guns, all tested by our members for spraying glazes, as well as compressors to power the guns. As yet no one has tested and commented on the remarkably inexpensive air brushes at harbor freight.

The critter siphon gun is a spray alternative that is well liked by some of our members, and is available at amazon.

Amazon is also a competitive source for photo light tents for shooting professional quality pictures of your work. They also have the EZ Cube brand favored by several of our members. You might also want to purchase the book Photographing Arts, Crafts and Collectibles . . .

If you are up to creating videos of your work or techniques you might want to invest in a flip video camera

Following are a few scales useful for potters. Ohaus Triple Pro Mechanical Triple Beam Balance, 2610g x 0.1g, with Tare $169.00

And finally a low cost clone of the OHaus. The Adam Equipment TBB2610T Triple Beam Mechanical Balance With Tare Beam $99.62

ebay is a great alternative for many tools and the equipment used in the ceramics studio - kilns, wheels, extruders, slab rollers are often listed there both new and used.

Tips for Members

If you just want to spout off, it is best accomplished as a blog posting. If you want to get more guidance and ideas from other members, ask a question as a new discussion topic. In the upper right corner of the lists for both types of posting, you will find an "+Add " button. Clicking it will open an editor where you create your posting. 4/16/2014