Recipes from John Britt's book Mastering mid-range glazes in .xml format.

I have John Britt's book Mastering mid-range glazes and love it. 
  I would like to look at some of those glazes in Insight but I really am NOT excited about hand entering them.   Does anyone know of a source of his glazes in  .XML format so that can be easily uploaded into Insight?

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I have been testing and using some of the recipes from John's Book.  As others state, it is much more than a book of glaze recipes.  It has really helped me to understand the use of various ingredients.  I look at weekly still.  I was looking up a recipe I had entered recently.  Many of the recipes are already in insight. If you are looking for some of the recipes here are the ones I have entered in the past:

Assad Black

V.C. Matte Yellow

Seve's Matte Turquoise

Persimmon gloss

Stronium Crystal Magic Warm

Campana Clear

V. C. Transparent


Selsor Chun

I have also entered Alberta Slip Base and Alberta Slip Rutile.

Yes, I too have found Britt's book very helpful. I now understand glazes better.  I have an ongoing conversation with Hansen about getting all of Britt's glazes into Insight. If you will send me the recipes you have entered to me I will get Hansen to add them to Insight. You can either upload them to this forum or send them to me at

Thanks  Larry

I'm confused as to why the need to be added to insight when I already entered them?

I won't have time to type them all out and send to you for awhile. Sorry.

If Hanson adds them to Insight, then everyone who has Insight has them. If you have entered them into Insight or Excel, just export to a csv file

Chantay - Two of the glaze recipes you have added already exist under similar names.

Strontium Crystal Magic - Warm ^6

Spearmint - MC6G 

the MC6G is an abbreviation for Mastering Cone 6 Glazes

You can always add additional photographs and notes to existing recipes. Just type in part of the unique name of your glaze recipe, like chun and check out the existing glazes using that name.

F4-Feldspar listed in the old recipe Selsor Chun no longer exists, but was virtually identical to the currently available feldspar Minspar 200.

Chantay Poulsen said:


I have been testing and using some of the recipes from John's Book.  As others state, it is much more than a book of glaze recipes.  It has really helped me to understand the use of various ingredients.  I look at weekly still.  I was looking up a recipe I had entered recently.  Many of the recipes are already in insight. If you are looking for some of the recipes here are the ones I have entered in the past:

Assad Black

V.C. Matte Yellow

Seve's Matte Turquoise

Persimmon gloss

Stronium Crystal Magic Warm

Campana Clear

V. C. Transparent


Selsor Chun

I have also entered Alberta Slip Base and Alberta Slip Rutile.


I did a search for the glazes to see if they existed already before input them.  I think we had this discussion before.  If I don't put in the exact name the glaze won't come up.  I will be more careful in the future, doing multiple searches.  Thanks for the help.

Tony Hanson has gone ahead and entered all the remaining recipes into a giant spreadsheet. He has to do some fiddling and fixing on the spreadsheet. Then they will become loaded into insight live.

So, thank you for your help, but you do not need to expend any more effort on this. It is a done deal.

The key to using databases is being less specific, as an example entering just one word.

Google and have fixed this database query problem by automatically shows you search results with one or more of your search words missing, which they communicate to you by striking out the missing word above those results.

Google also does searches with spelling variations, which for me more often misses the point rather than being helpful. A word spelled differently seems to be usually something completely different rather than a spelling variation.

Chantay Poulsen said:


I did a search for the glazes to see if they existed already before input them.  I think we had this discussion before.  If I don't put in the exact name the glaze won't come up.  I will be more careful in the future, doing multiple searches.  Thanks for the help.

Insight can also import excel

Lawrence Weathers said:

I checked with Britt to see if he had the recipes in .xml. He did not but thought it would be nice to have that format. I will get back to him to make sure.

I also emailed Tony Hansen to see if he had them. I have not heard back from him, but I would imagine that atleast some of them are already in his glaze database.

If I remember correctly, excel will export to both .xml and csv, both of which I think Insight will import. 

I have been working with Hansen to get Britt's  ^6 glazes into Insight. They will soon be available in Insight Live..... as soon as we finish error checking them

Fantastic.  Does John Britt have photos of each glaze in his book?

Al lot of glazes for people to try out, though I bet there will be some duplicates as John used a number of glazes with permission from prior glaze books.

There are no new pictures... yet. But that is something that Tony would like to add. So if people have  good shots of the glazes send them to Tony or I. with proper documentation on firing, clay etc.

Yes there are duplicates... in fact, John says that there are only about 10 different grazes when you exclude color differences 

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