Suggested date - August 11, 2012

Location - Multiple regional locations around the globe.

Objective - Meet and enjoy time with other C6P members, fire pots together and submit pictures to the network for all to enjoy. Participant camping would be a desirable option. Reasonably priced, nearby lodging and recreation would also be a plus. Parties could be one or two day events at the discretion of the hosts. 

Level 1 Response -- Host one of the regional gatherings by finding a place, necessary amenities, and a first set of raku equipment. As participants sign up, assign tasks to share the organizational workload. Respond to this discussion with the location of your gathering and ask participants to contact you to register to attend.

Level 2 Response -- If you find a regional party you want to attend, contact the host for that event to register, and volunteer to help with the planning, preparation, and conducting of the event. If there isn't one nearby, put out the call that you want to have one in your area. 

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Members in the southern Great Lakes region are invited to attend the south Michigan location of the Cone6pots World Raku Party on August 11, 2012. Event will happen on a lakeside property at Duck Lake, about 45 minutes south of Lansing. Hosted by George Lewter.

In addition to one kiln and hot pot handling gear, host will provide several barbeque grills, a canoe, paddle boat, and a pontoon patio boat for cruising the lake. There is a public boat launch about a half mile away where you can launch your own boat. There is room for a number of people to camp overnight on the  property (4 to six tents), one couple could stay overnight in Lansing with George Lewter, and hotel accommodations are available in Marshall which is 

about 20 minutes south of Duck Lake. If we get more than 20 people attending, we will need to split the expense for an outdoor toilet and washstand. For more than 15 people, we probably should be looking for a second kiln.

Registering early will help in planning for the event, so please help out by registering and volunteering to bring some of our supplies, and help with co-ordinating the event.

This is a picture of Duck Lake from the property taken on Easter.

The second picture shows the area across the street where the raku activities will take place (the boats and lifts will all be in the lake). It is also where tents can be set up for staying over Saturday night. 

Hey George, count me in! I can bring two to three kayaks.

Sounds Like Fun! I will mark it on my calendar :)



Date - Saturday September 8 2012 - First firing commencing at 2pm

I am unable to commit on August 11 and since its a little chilly (our winter) at that time of year, George has said that it is okay to postpone our event until September.

Location - The historic 'Oran Park House' 931 Oran Park Drive, Oran Park NSW

All Australian members are invited to attend a fun afternoon of Raku Firing in this lovely setting. Oran Park House is a fantastic place to hold the Australian Cone6 Pots Raku Party. It is set on over 200 acres with lovely gardens. The historic house which was built in 1857 will be open to us on the day to have a look around. We will have the place to ourselves. I plan to set up in the central courtyard at the back of the house which will give some protection from wind. Weather gods have promised me a lovely day. There are bathroom facilities in the house itself. Refreshments, afternoon tea and a sausage sizzle will be put on by the managers of OPH during the course of the afternoon. I expect the day to finish around 6.30pm, but flexible on that also. So, if you are visiting from interstate, you can make other plans for the evening sight seeing etc. Just an idea.

Link to Oran Park House



Accomodation and Travel - I will get together a list of local motels etc and email everyone directly. You can then sort that out for yourselves. Also, if you keen enough to brave the chilly night, I can ask about the possibility of camping at OPH overnight. Would incur a fee but not alot I imagine. So let me know. If you are flying in, there is a direct train line from Sydney airport to Campbelltown station. Campbelltown is approx fifteen mins drive (taxi) to OPH, with accom at Campbelltown itself or Narellan, Camden which are the neighbouring suburbs to Oran Park House.

Firing - I will be providing one large raku kiln and handling gear, two standard raku glazes plus a couple of small  jars of accent glazes/oxides. I can fit about ten or more pieces in my kiln (depending on pot size) but I thought it best to ask everyone to keep pots to a size limit. So, two pots, each no more than 15cm wide and 25cm high. I can be a little flexible with this depending on how many register, so keep in contact with me about this up until the day. I would recommend that you get to OPH at about 1.00pm if you are wanting to glaze some pots as I would really like to commence the first firing at about 2pm. Will have to do a slow start to warm and dry pots and then it takes about 1hr to get my kiln up to temp. With everything else that happens (unloading, repacking, glazing, cleaning pots etc) I want to make sure we have time for at least two firings during the afternoon.

If you have the means and would like to bring another kiln etc, please do so. That would be great.



Register -  It is essential that anyone wanting to attend please register with me directly. There will be a very small cost of $15.00 per person. This includes, entry and use of Oran Park House for the afternoon, afternoon tea and refreshments, chair and table hire and a small contribution to cover cost of glazes used on the day. Register by the 1 September and monies to be paid directly to me. I can send you my bank account details for direct transfer or by cheque.


It would be a fantastic opportunity for all Australian members to meet each other. I am sure it will be a great day and we could even make this a yearly event.

Hi Jan
Would love to come to the Raku firing . I just need to know the date so I can request the day off. I have not Raku for a couple of years and it would great to meet other members of the group. Thanking you Rhonda Morris

Hi Rhonda, Good to hear from you. The date is Saturday September 8 from about 1pm, to glaze pots etc and start firing at about 2pm. All details are above re cost, registering, location etc. If you want to bring anyone else, please let me know. They are most welcome. I think it is a great opportunity to meet likeminded people. Look forward to meeting you. If you need any more info let me know. Regards, Jan

I would love to participate!  I'm in Maine though... Anyone else around the Augusta area who could host?

HI George, I live in central Michigan and I'm hoping to be able to make it.  I have to go spend part, or possibly all, of the summer in Texas checking on my mother and making some decisions as to her health care etc.  If I make it back to Michigan before the party, I'd love to come.  I also have 2 kayaks (the plastic type you sit on top of) if I can snag my husband's truck.  It would be much closer to the actual date before I could make a firm commitment so I'm afraid I'd be useless with helping plan etc.  I'll check with some of my friends from the local pottery studio and see if they're interested also.

I would think we could host a Party here on the Oregon coast in some future year. Our nearest international airport is two hours from here. Though there is daily bus runs this could pose a problem. Any thoughts?

The Raku Party scheduled for August 11, 2012 at Duck Lake east of Olivet Michigan is cancelled for this year.  If the interest and commitment are there, we can reschedule at the same venue for June of 2013. 

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