Hello everybody,

can anyone tell me what does it mean ' wash glazes '? is it  a transparent glaze?

Thank you for your answer  jori from Belgium

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Hallo Jori, I never heard of a wash glaze. I do know oxide washes. Oxide (copper, iron eg) in water brushed over a pot and then wiped off, so the oxide remains in creases or carvings. I hope this helps.

Ineke from Holland but now living in France.

Bonjour Marina

Je vis en Belgique  et il s'agit justement des pièces d'une dame Hollandaise qui explique sur you tube le procédé de son travail en Néerlandais sous titré anglais. Je t'envoie l'adresse où tu pourras voir cette vidéo ainsi tu pourras peut-être traduire ce qu'elle dit au sujet de ce wash glaze, çà se trouve tout à la fin de la vidéo, où elle parle des lignes bleues laissées dans la texture de sa pièce

Merci pour ta réponse           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3E2VR-zkWI

I watched the video about Ellen Rijsdorp. She does not really say much about the glaze. I also looked up the magazine (De Kleine K March 2017) and it does not tell us much more either. I expect she applies the glaze after the first firing over the surface she roughened up with the iron scraper and then wipes it off so it only remains in the creases. So basically you can use any coloured glaze for it.

En bref n'importe quel email coloré peut être appliqué et essuyé, de sorte qu'il ne reste plus que dans les rayures.

thank you  Marina, in fact, I didn't think about this solution "   after the first firing over the surface she roughened up with the iron scraper"

The effect can be done using colored slips applied to leather hard pieces. It can be fired unglazed for a very dry pastel effect, or using a clear cover glaze to bring out stronger, more saturated effects.

The top and bottom rings were incised then painted over with black slip and allowed to firm up, then the surface was trimmed with a flat side of a loop tool to reveal the white clay body, but saving the deeper incisions. The belly of the vase was finger painted with white, brown, black and yellow slips. The whole pot was bisque fired then given a clear glaze. You can apply the slips and then use a chattering tool to get the kind of effect seen in the video. ;-

Thank you George for your comment I will try a piece with chattering


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