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Comment by Norm Stuart on February 27, 2014 at 7:17pm

It's interesting how Prominfer Spanish Iron Oxide over the titanium in the SCM, creates the whitish whisps you'd expect from using Rutile. 

Compare with this tile of Randy's Red with Red Iron Oxide from the Insight Live Database.

My favorite with Spanish Iron Oxide is Ron Roy's Nutmeg.

Comment by Joe Shaw on February 27, 2014 at 11:52am
I hope this helps.

Randy's Red
Material Amount
Silica 29.70
Kaolin 5.00
F-4 Feldspar. 19.80
Talc 13.90
Gerstley Borate. 31.70

Red Iron Oxide 15.00
Bentonite 2.00
I use Spanish Red Iron Oxide. It gives me a desirable color response.

200°F/hour to 220° hold 30 minutes
400°F/hour to 2100° no hold
100°F/hour to 2180° 60 min.
40°F/hour to 2140° 30 min.
300°F/hour to 1700° 60 min
50°F/hour to 1600° - offs
Comment by Jennifer Arthur on February 26, 2014 at 10:45pm

Is it possible to get the firing schedule for your SMC and randy's red.

It's gorgous.

Thanks Jenny

Comment by Samantha Tucker on February 26, 2014 at 11:42am

Thank you for clarifying, I'm looking forward to testing the SCM.

Comment by Joe Shaw on February 26, 2014 at 10:22am
SCM byt self is a matte glaze and presents a hygiene issue. It was developed as a cone 10 glaze by Tom Coleman and it may be under-fired. Using it by itself isn't advised but. When you layer glazes over it you get these wonderful surfaces that are are food safe. These bowls had a fairly glossy melt to them.
Comment by Samantha Tucker on February 26, 2014 at 9:29am

Joe Shaw, This glaze combo is beautiful but you say this is for exteriors and decoration, why would you use it on the inside of bowls?  Is it the SCM that is not food safe?

Thank you


"For use on exterior or decorative surfaces.  Comment by Joe Shaw on December 22, 2012 at 2:52pm

Comment by Joe Shaw on April 20, 2013 at 11:31am
That's a layered glaze. SCM sprayed on the interior and then the bowl was dipped in Randy's Red (with Spanish Red Iron)for a six count. I then fired it using a schedule similar to Steven Hill's schedule. I really enjoy the variation in color with this combination. If you can't find the reipes and the firing schedule, let me know. I'm always happy to share.
Joe Shaw
Comment by Pamela Sinclair on April 18, 2013 at 5:15pm

What is the glaze on the bowls??? Gorgeous. What clay body? Thanks, PAm

Comment by Eric Roberts on December 22, 2012 at 12:05pm

I will by happy to work with this and will post results down the road. thanks

Comment by Joe Shaw on December 22, 2012 at 11:52am
This is the recipe I'm using. It shouldn't differ from what you've used very much at all. The cool down is important with cone 6 electric, I've post my firing schedule and would be glad to repost if you like.

Joe Shaw

Recipe Name: Strontium Crystal Magic

Cone: 6-9 Color:
Firing: Oxidation Surface: Unknown

Amount Ingredient
40 Feldspar--Custer
15 Whiting
11 Strontium Carbonate
13 Kaolin--Tile #6
4 Frit--Ferro 3124
4 Lithium Carbonate
12 Titanium Dioxide

99 Total

2 Bentonite

Unity Oxide
.15 Li2O
.066 Na2O
.12 K2O
.007 MgO
.448 CaO
.208 SrO
1.000 Total

.334 Al2O3
.022 B2O3
.002 Fe2O3

1.664 SiO2
.006 TiO2

5 Ratio
0 Exp

Comments: Optional Yellow Iron Oxide: 2 for orange

For use on exterior or decorative surfaces. Yields a beautiful butter-smooth glaze that develops crystals.
For a yellow gold, add 2% yellow iron oxide. For a pumpkin orange, spray with Spotted Black Glaze.
Calculations by GlazeMaster™


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