What is your experience with ceramics in general. (Long answer encouraged)
I have been doing pottery since 1997 and joined a guild in 1999. Since then I have taken alot of classes ( guild instructors ) and been to one Robin Hopper workshop. I love pottery I started out as a painter and because of that my brain goes backwards when it comes to glaze. Red and blue do not make purple for me. I am anxious and eager to learn more. I would like to purchase a Geil Kiln and do cone 10 gas because that is what I am familiar with at the guild. At home I have a small kiln from a treasured friend and potter that has since passed and I would like to get more brave with the chemicals and testing. I still feel I need someone to hold my hand. I mainly do functional work as that is what sells and I want to buy a kiln (makes sense) I can pretty much do anything with clay. I am not sure why but it just came natural to me.
What is your current involvement with electric fired ceramics? (long answer encouraged)
I have fired at least 20 times with my electric kiln. The frustration comes from testing and trying and testing and trying and feeling like I am not getting anywhere. The first 3 months were just trying to get a clear that wouldn't craze. The silly thing is after all of my clay/glaze fit tests the one that worked for me ever since has all the same amount of ingredients in it (perfect for me) unfortunately unless I get a bigger kiln it won't be worth much of my time as it is a small kiln and cools really quickly. Short of me pulling an all nighter and turning the kiln down slowly that won't work. So I am looking a t a gas kiln and a bigger electric kiln that I can take to cone 8 or 10 ish as I love the glazes and am familiar with a few at cone 10. Learning every day though.
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If glazes don't work for me by try three I always go back to coloring my slips, painting them on and clear over top. This works great but seems to bright for my functional customers.
I finally had some proper heat (reznor nat gas heater) installed in my garagio so it's not as cold as it was! Cost $300-$400 to heat it with electricity last year. I'm glad to 'meet' you here :).
Kathy Ransom
I finally had some proper heat (reznor nat gas heater) installed in my garagio so it's not as cold as it was! Cost $300-$400 to heat it with electricity last year. I'm glad to 'meet' you here :).
Nov 28, 2014