Judy Lee Andrews


Butte, MT

United States

Profile Information:

What is your experience with ceramics in general. (Long answer encouraged)
I have taken community classes at the Archie Bray for 15 years, then I retired 1.5 years ago and am starting my own studio to get back into the hobby I love!
What is your current involvement with electric fired ceramics? (long answer encouraged)
@ electric kilns for my studio, once I get it set up. Current closing on a house and anxious to get the studio re-purposed and get started.
All our content is viewable by the public. Why do you want to be a member, when you can already see everything as a non-member?
To be part of something big.
Where do you work on your ceramics projects?
School or college, home studio
How did you find this network?
search engine

Comment Wall:

  • Erik Evans

    Ms. Judy Lee.

    My name is Erik.  I help with the newsletter here.  I was just bumping around the sight and noticed you just joined us.  Welcome.