What is your experience with ceramics in general. (Long answer encouraged)
Though I have worked with ceramics since early 70s it has always been the smaller part of my life which I fit in as I was able. I have mixed up glazes for studios for quite a few years. Making glazes for a studio setting is quite different than what one does for ones self. Glazes which work well for a wide range of both personal taste and ability is probably one of the more challenging aspects of the work I have done. Now that I am back to only working for myself and having the time to devote to the craft, I am looking forward to potting to my hearts content.
What is your current involvement with electric fired ceramics? (long answer encouraged)
Slowly getting back into gear. I have just now gotten to the point where I realize how little I know.
All our content is viewable by the public. Why do you want to be a member, when you can already see everything as a non-member?
Some day I will have the time to be more active and would like to be part of this site.
I am Mrs. Angela from the United States but live in France. I saw your profile and I decided to contact you immediately. Can you get back to me on my email (anglbria01@gmail.com) for full details
Roxanne Hunnicutt
Sybil’s Black Stain
IF you posted this what temps does it work at? Rox in OR
Jun 29, 2012
George Lewter
Thank you, Donna, for adding over 2,000 recipes to our Insight-Live glaze recipe database.
Dec 9, 2012
Ronald Morris
I am Mrs. Angela from the United States but live in France. I saw your profile and I decided to contact you immediately. Can you get back to me on my email (anglbria01@gmail.com) for full details
Be blessed.
Oct 5, 2024