Wanda Manning



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Comment Wall:

  • Tracy Shea

    Welcome! Let me know if I can help you out.
  • Tracy Shea

    I'm not sure that giving you a firing schedule that I use would necessarily work in your kiln. Each one is different, as you are experiencing!

     I fire fast, 450 F per hour up to 2000 F, then 250F per hour to 2274- crash cool (in my kiln, that's 250F per hour) down to 1650F, hold for 10 minutes if I'm not firing Iron red, hold for 60 minutes if I am firing red, cool 150F per hour to 1500, off.

    I have never really had pinholing/pitting problems with my glazes. I have heard that bisque firing slowly can help, and maybe experiment with a temp hold during the glaze firing might help smooth things out...


    Have you duplicated the firing schedule that the co-op uses?  Try posting the glaze formula, and your firing schedule, some pics, as a blog post or in the discussion forum. Some of the glaze gurus around here might also be able to identify what the problem is.

    Good Luck!

  • Ronald Morris

    Good day,

    I am Ronald Morris, I saw your profile and I decided to contact you immediately. Can you get back to me on my email (ronmorri01@gmail.com) for full details.