Part 1 The main tutorials for the basic accounting portion of the class are at

FYI - About the quizzes and tests that accompany the tutorials.

  • The bookkeeping and accounting quizzes and games require Adobe's Free Macromedia Flash Player which is normally already installed on your computer.
    Get Adobe's Free Flash Player.
  • The Skill Tests require Javascript to be enabled in your browser. Most computers also already have this feature enabled.

Task 1 - The page linked above is the Introduction chapter (our first lesson) and has tabs that link to additional lessons.

After you have completed reading the Introduction, take the 3 quizzes at the bottom of the page. You can retake them until you get 100%.

Task 2 - Complete Lesson 1, and take the 6 quizzes that are linked at the bottom of the lesson.

Task 3 - Complete Lesson 2, and take the 2 skills tests that are linked at the bottom of the lesson.


Part 2

Week 1 Group Exercise. The exercise is posted as a reply to this discussion topic below.  Other replies might push it off page 1, so you might have to go to a second page.

Views: 281

Replies to This Discussion

Thursday 3/15 8-9 pm condensed chat session transcript

  • Me

    Hello Accounting group!

  • 8:08 PM
  • 8:13 PM

  • Sharon Ivy

    I finished the Intro and have taken the first quiz. I'm learning a lot already. Not hard when you know nothing about accounting, I suppose.

  • Me
  • There you are -- sorry

  • Sharon Ivy

    I think maybe we all are just getting started with our "learnin'

  • Me

    It looks like Troy is online, but not responding

  • Sharon Ivy

    Anyway, just getting started, so don't have questions yet.

  • Me

    Were you able to get thru all 3 lessons?

  • 8:21 PM
  • Sharon Ivy
  • Only finished the Intro so far. Would help if I could do the lessons on my iPad on lunchbreak at work, but I'll make it. Busy filling some pottery orders at night!

  • 8:23 PM
  • Me

    I'm not positive, but i think you can do the reading on an ipad -- you just can't do the quizzes.

  • 8:24 PM
  • Sharon Ivy

    That would help a lot. That would seem right, I just didn't try it. Just nothing that requires Flash, I suppose.

  • Me

    I believe the lessons are just straight web pages.

  • 8:26 PM
  • Sharon Ivy

    I think you're right.

  • 8:28 PM
  • Me

    I hope you can finish the 3 by Sunday plus I will post an exercise tonight that will let you practice putting transactions into an expanded accounting equation. That will help fix the ideas in our brains.

  • 8:29 PM
  • Sharon Ivy

    Oh, I'll be done by Sunday!

  • Me

    Next week we will have a full seven days, so I'm hoping we can cover 5 lessons. But if the pace is too fast we can back off.

  • 8:31 PM
  • Sharon Ivy

    That pace is fine with me, if OK with everyone else. I'm excited just to get my books in order.

  • 8:33 PM
  • Me

    Ok - You will need to do the other 2 tutorials and then this little exercise should be pretty easy. I will try to have it posted in a couple of hours.

  • Thanks for dropping in.

  • 8:36 PM
  • Me

    Hi Bev We are on the main chat channel 

    8:22 PM Beverly Beu Haas Hi George! I thought I'd check to see if I can actually use this chat thing. I'm wondering about the double entry method. Wouldn't it be easier to just double check one's results in a single entry, check book type of account?

  • Beverly Beu Haas

  • Is this the right place?

  • Me

    there you go - Do you see the previous content? going back to 8:08

  • Beverly Beu Haas

    So we are in the right place now, yes?

  • Me


  • Beverly Beu Haas
  • I guess I'll have to see what entries actually look like in ledgers to understand how the double entry system works, but I'm not sure why this is better than the single entry system except that it checks your work.

  • Me

    Single entry is easier for small businesses doing their books manually. With a computer system the software will make the extra entries for you.

  • Beverly Beu Haas

    So, those of us with really small businesses would probably use single entry?

  • Me

    As far as I know - all computer accounting systems are double entry

  • Beverly Beu Haas

    Oh, okay, the computer would do the extra entries which would help double check everything, huh? Are both entries next to each other?

  • 8:55 PM
  • Me

    That's right - in the beginning it will ask what the right account will be to post the balancing entry to, and then it will know in future similar transactions

  • The entries will show up when you ask for certain reports.

  • Beverly Beu Haas

    Sounds good. I think it will help when I see examples.

  • Me

    For right now the really important thing to learn is the expanded accounting equation.

  • Beverly Beu Haas

    Do we need to know the equation specifics regarding property vs property right?

  • Me

    Just about everything is based on it.

  • 8:58 PM
  • Beverly Beu Haas

    Okay then, back to the drawing board :-) For some reason, I could not answer those questions each time even though they looked like they should have been easy...

  • Thanks George. I'm going back to the materials now. Are we getting a group assignment tonight?

  • Me

    Some of them are obvious others are a little tricky.

  • Beverly

    Thanks for the guidance. I hope, with a little practice, it will make more sense.

  • Me

    Yes, give me an hour or so.

  • Beverly Beu Haas

    Thanks! Will check in later...

  • Me

    Bye for now!

Week 1 Group Exercise. Please go as far as you can with this and have your answers handy for the official weekly chat session Sunday at noon EDT.

Thanks to June Kinsinger for supplying us with the following scenario.

Joe Potter has been making pots as a hobby for the last ten years, he has gotten a lot of positive reaction to his work, and now that he is retired, he decided to try to supplement his retirement income by selling his pottery.

He filed papers establishing his business and now needs to establish his startup financial position.

He needs to account for his assets and liabilities to create a starting balance sheet.

Joe Potter starts his business with the following property


A. Joe puts $2,500 into his new business checking account as startup capital.


1. Kiln - 1 year old  purchased at $2700.00 still owing $2,000 with 18 months to pay.

2. Pottery wheel - 8 year old  purchased for $1,500.00 and paid off. Joe researched the current market value for that model potters wheel and decided to use $950 as its current value.

3. Clay mixer - 15 yr old  valued at $400.00 

4. Pug mill - 3 year old  purchased for $2,900.00 still owing $600 with 9 months to pay. Because pug mill prices increased sharply in the last two years, he has elected to use his full purchase price as its current value.


5. Raw materials - for glaze making and 1/2 ton of dry clay valued at $1,200 – nothing due. 

6. Furniture - Tables, stools, shelves valued at $600 and paid for. 

7. Building - Home and land is valued at $150,000. Studio occupies 20% of the square footage of the Home and is completely finished comparably to the rest of the home.  The balance on the mortgage is $20,000.

(Joe will use a straight 20% of the home's value and equity to figure his business assets and liabilities for the studio.) 

Using the expanded accounting equation, correctly distribute  Joe's business property and property rights as he opens his business. You can use the PDF file attached here to fill in with your numbers.  Next week we will look at the equation again and start to factor in the transactions that occur in the operation of the business.


This is how I filled out my Accounting Equation Sheet.  There is an error on Trans. #1 (Should read 2700 not 1700 - I misapplied some white out tape.) Totals at the bottom and across the equation are correct.

Below is a cleaned up finalized version of the equation after the extra transactions that were added on Sunday.

George,  on your building expense wouldn't you use 20% of the balance...never mind, i see what I have done.  Other than that, ours is the same.  june

Week 1 Chat Session transcript - Sunday 12pm EDT 

* June Kinsinger George, I am here but very sick n don't know how long I will be able
to last...just FYI, thanks June

* 11:57 AM Me OK, we are just here to see if there are questions and what is on
everyones' mind.

* Beverly Beu Haas
Am I in the right spot for class?

* Me
Hi Bev

* Troy Bungart
I am here

* Me
Troy! Not so hard, is it?

* Beverly Beu Haas
Hi George and Troy!

* Troy Bungart
No, not to bad, I think I can get the hang of it!

* Me
I need a couple of minutes to convert my worksheet to a picture and post it.

* Beverly Beu Haas
Sounds good...

* Sharon Ivy
Just saying Hi to all of you. Take your time, George, I'm just now working through

* Beverly Beu Haas
Hurry Sharon! ;-)

* 12:07 PM
* Sharon Ivy

* Wes Stack
Am I in?

* Wes Stack
Guess I figured out how to comment. Intro and Lesson 1 were like first days in a
foreign language class. Lesson 2 very helpful.

* Me
June is having trouble finding this channel

* Beverly Beu Haas
I'll know if I got it when I see the answers to the balance sheet--hope that's the
right term...
* Me
june, are you here?

* Troy Bungart
I know that I need to read the first lessons again and get it firmly planted in my

* Beverly Beu Haas
I was trying to answer June's questions on the discussion board but couldn't get my
message to send over there...

* 12:14 PM
* Me
Ok, My worksheet is posted as a reply to the Week 1 Lesson discussion topic.

* 12:18 PM
* Me
If you are looking at the discussion you have to refresh the page frequently to see the
latest replies.

* discussion forurm page, that is -- Chat refreshes itself automatically.

* 12:22 PM
* Beverly Beu Haas
George, I put down $2,700 for kiln asset on the left. Everything else matches up.

* Troy Bungart
okay like everything else in life, I almost got it right. in transaction 1 on your
sheet does not add up. am I missing something.

* Me
I goofed KILN WAS $2700 NOT $1700

* Sharon Ivy
George, the worksheet actually MAKES SENSE to me! Like Troy, though, I need to go back
and re-read the beginning lessons. They'll make more sense now.

* Wes Stack
I'm fine on the worksheet. Am still having problems with chat. How to I identify

* Troy Bungart
you just did Wes.

* Kiln is a $2700 asset
a $2000 liability
and a $700 capital - owners equity item

* Troy Bungart
I got it, thanks

* 12:30 PM
* Beverly Beu Haas
George, even though transaction 1 is off, all the numbers below add up to the match the
corrected numbers, right?

* 12:32 PM
* Me
Yes, It looks like my 1700 kiln Item was just a typo - I need to pull up my calculator.

* 12:35 PM
* Me
Corrected asset column still adds to 41,250

* Beverly Beu Haas
Looks good to me!
* Why is the first transaction listed as "A?"

* Me
Because I added that item after the others were numbered!
* It should have been Number 1

* 12:39 PM
* Me
June still seems out of our sphere anyone talking to her
So this exercise is making a little sense to everyone?
Any questions?

* Wes Stack
Yes, am sure it will get complicated fast with future transactions!

* Troy Bungart
I can't believe that I actually got it!

* Beverly Beu Haas
George, I'm trying to send a message to her on her discussion board (where she posted a
couple of messages 39 and 40 minutes ago, but I don't know how to get them to send.

* Me
Hit the reply link to open an edit window. Type your content, and hit Add Reply in the
lower right corner. It may be hidden by this chat window. You can change the height of
the chat window. And you can scroll the page up and down

* Troy Bungart
I can't believe that I actually got it!

* Beverly Beu Haas
Nevermind, I just had to scroll up to send the message to June, but I don't know when
she'll get it since it gives you 15 minutes to edit it...

* Yay Troy! Me, too ;-) Feels good doesn't it?

* Troy Bungart
I have a big delay in my satelite

* Beverly Beu Haas
George, now I see how the first transaction was listed as "A." Duh.

* Beverly Beu Haas
George, do you know if businesses use spread sheets like this?

* Me
We'll come back to this question.

* Troy Bungart
I did my work on a printed piece of paper. Are you saying there is a way to do the
entries on line?
(no answer)

* Me
* Alright let's try an introductory business transaction.
Joe sells $400 worth of pottery to the Eye See Gallery, giving them 45 days to pay. How
do we enter that.

* Wes Stack
$400 to Assets;$400 to Revenues?

* 12:50 PM
* Me
Anyone see it differently?
* 12:52 PM
* Me
What kind of asset is it?

* Beverly Beu Haas
Are you referring to transaction 1 where $700 is listed under Capital?

* Me
No, this is the $400 credit sale we just introduced

* 12:55 PM
* Beverly Beu Haas
I think I'm missing a lot of the messages...
* Me
Joe sells $400 worth of pottery to the Eye See Gallery giving them 45 days to pay. How
do we enter that
* Anyone else feel like they are missing messages?
* Bev just disconnected.

* Troy Bungart

* Wes Stack
I think I've received all of them.

* 1:00 PM
* Me
I'll paste this stream into the discussion page when we're done.
Back to the question -- the asset is an account receivable.

* Me
Moving into the future 21 days Joe gets a check from Eye See Gallery for $400 (his pots
are so great that they already sold them all!)
* How does Joe make this Entry into the Accounting equation?
* 1:05 PM

* Wes Stack
George, am not sure. If we are using the accrual method, haven't we already accounted
for this income?

* Me
Good question.
* Troy?
* I detect some lag with Troy -- He may not get these entries right away.

* Sharon Ivy
First as an Asset and Revenue because he still essentially owns his pots. Once the
gallery pays, it's an Asset and a Liability because he no longer has the pots. Am I
completely lost?

* Troy Bungart
I am not sure what type of asset it is but there must be a way to mark the difference
between being owed the money and later receiving it.

* Me
Joe had an account receivable type of asset.
* Then he got the Cash, another type of asset
(Following Added after chat ended)
day 1 delivered pots and invoice -- Assets +$400 receivable, Revenue +$400
day 21 receives check -- Assets +$400, Assets receivable -$400

* Troy Bungart
that makes sense.

* Wes Stack
It does make sense, but how is it reflected in the Accounting equation?

* Me
So he had to debit his Cash and credit his Accounts Receivable --- All in the assets

This leads us to realize we need to have more categories and accounts, but they all
still must fit under the umbrella of the Accounting equation.
* 1:15 PM

* Troy Bungart
Okay, that would be a different form than I have in front of me. It makes sense.

* Wes Stack
Are you taking us into Lesson 3 George?

* Me
Preparing the way to move forward :-)
* Wes Stack
Thanks. Will be alert for those trick questions in the future.

* Me
In answer to Bev's much earlier question, The accounting equation underlies everything,
but is not helpful as a worksheet to use every day.

Any other questions on what's been covered so far in the tutorials?

* Wes Stack
No, where will next weeks tasks be posted?

* Troy Bungart
no, thanks for all the help George

* Me
Let's try to get through the next 5 lessons

* Wes Stack
Will do. Thanks George. Signing off.

* Me
I'll post them as Week 2

* Sharon Ivy
Sounds good! Thanks!

* Troy Bungart
Okay, that sounds good. I'm gone.

* Me
Good bye, all.

Hi George and All, Sorry I got disconnected and could not get back in for some reason. In reading the thread above, I stopped getting George's messages when he first introduced the business transaction that amounted to $400. Troy said he was experiencing satellite delays about that time, too. Oh well, at least I could read what you guys did after that. Did anyone hear from June? A big thanks to her for constructing the initial problem. I look forward to working out more transactions. Thanks George for answering my earlier question, too! See everybody next week!



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