This class was offered in the Spring of 2012 and completed in early May. It will be offered again, if there is sufficient interest. There will be a $30 Registration fee for the class and $15 will be refunded to all who turn in at least 70% of the exercises and show up for 70% of the online meetings. Use this discussion to indicate your interest. You can read through the proceedings of the previous session of the class at:

Through a combination of doing some online tutorials, working the business transactions of a ficticious potter, and subscribing to the free online accounting system at, we will learn together how to have meaningful records of our businesses that are up to date, rather than finding out how we did at tax time.  Balance sheets, profit and loss reports, accounts due and receivable do not come from the papers in a shoebox accounting system.

A second session of the material will undertaken as another peer-led group study effort, unless a qualified white hat instructor steps up to either volunteer or to bid on leading the class for a nominal per student fee.

Minimum number of students - 6

Maximum number of students - 12

Anticipated duration - 6 weeks

Anticipated start date - March 15, 2012

Required time commitment - 2-6 hours per week

Communications method - Private group discussion on the Cone6pots network and scheduled online conferences once a week. Uploading work to the group's area.

Post comments and questions here.

Sign up by requesting to join the Interest Group A registration fee of $40 US will be charged to enroll. Members who turn in 70% or more of the work and participate in 70 % of the conferences will receive a $20 refund at the end of the session.

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Good morning. I have Excel, though I have not used it before. Am I in over my head?

Katherine, I haven't used it before and wondered the same thing!

Not to Worry!

Having looked more at the available online tutorials, I'm thinking we might not need a book at all. We need to learn accounting basics, followed by how to use the online system, and then we will move right in to setting our own books up on the online accounting system.

Excel is not necessary. I thought if everyone was familiar with it, we might do some practice scenarios using Excel.  But we can keep them simple enough that the calculations can be done on paper or with a calculator.

As you will find out, this is not rocket science.  There are a few concepts that seem a little strange and counter intuitive that you just have to memorize and accept. Otherwise bookkeeping for a small business is really straight forward and quite logical.

Thanks George! Your help setting this up is much appreciated!
And thanks Bev for sharing- nice to know I am not alone. I am looking forward to starting, and will wait to hear what final decision is on learning materials before moving ahead.

Thanks George!

Now I'm intrigued with the few concepts that are counter intuitive! Made it fun when I was learning to ski ;-) Leaning downhill to stop made no sense at all--both logically and especially instinctually. I'm so glad I took lessons to help me push past what would have been impossible to learn otherwise.

I may check out that book at the library just to see what it's like. Heck, it's free, so why not? This whole bookkeeping thing is so new to me, I figure I should get my feet wet whenever/however I can...

Katherine, I'm the go to gal for goof ups ;-) I'm sure you'll be light years ahead of me. Trust me. LOL
That's great that, like George said, it is mostly straight forward and logical. One thing is for sure, we'll know 100% more than we did when we started! There's no where to go but up!



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