Bailey's Red?

  • Does anyone know the recipe for the Bailey's Red that Stephen Hill mentions in the video and uses. He does not include this recipe with the DVD (probably because it is published by Bailey somewhere else?)...

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    Marina Reijsmeijer (Kleierij)

    I have used a Bailey Red for a long time. I don't even remember where I found it. 

    ball clay 13

    silica 14

    potash feldspar 44

    talc 10

    magnesium carbonate 3

    bone ash 14

    RIO 11

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    Susan Reys

    Hi Marina, is the Baileys Red your referring to also a cone 6?

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    Susan Reys

    And is there a particular way of applying the glaze eg. thin to get the speckles or is it the firing schedule? thank you